
All-On-4 Implants in Coral Gables, FL

All-On-4 Implants in Coral Gables, FLMissing multiple teeth is a health issue for your mouth and overall well-being. One missing tooth often leads to further tooth loss as the adjacent teeth shift to fill the gap, and the jawbone degrades from the lack of stimulation. People may lose teeth from injury, tooth decay or disease, but many options exist to restore a healthy, full mouth with prosthetics and dental implants. All-on-4® is a restorative dentistry procedure that replaces an entire arch of missing teeth in the upper or lower jawbone using four strategically placed dental implants to anchor the prosthetic.

Our dentists at Garcia | Mayoral Dentistry have more than 40 years of experience providing exceptional dental care. Dr. Oliver Mayoral and Dr. Faustino Garcia are dedicated to the dentistry field and participate in continuing dental education and training courses annually. Our Coral Gables, Florida, office offers comprehensive dentistry services for the whole family using the latest dental techniques and technologies.

What Is All-on-4?

Removable bridges and dentures are the traditional ways to replace multiple missing teeth, but these prosthetics have drawbacks. They may slip in the mouth, affecting speech and eating abilities and don't protect the jawbone from resorption. All-on-4® is an alternative option that uses a reduced number of tilted dental implants to secure a whole arch in place and prevent further bone loss. All-on-4® is less invasive than other implant-supported treatment options and is nicknamed "Teeth in a Day" because it provides immediate dental restorations.

Dental implants are titanium posts that look like screws. These rods are surgically placed in the jawbone and fuse with the bone over time, like artificial tooth roots. Once the jaw has healed, an arch of natural-looking artificial teeth (pontics) is attached to abutment connections on the implanted posts.

Who Is a Candidate for All-on-4?

All-On-4 Implants IllustrationPeople missing most or all of the teeth on their upper or lower jaw can qualify for All-on-4®, and this procedure may be an option for someone needing multiple tooth extractions. Our dentists will take X-rays to evaluate your bone structure and determine if you have enough bone to support the implants and a proper bite alignment. Most people in good health with strong immune systems can qualify for All-on-4®, but lifestyle factors (tobacco use) and medical conditions (diabetes) may affect eligibility.

Benefits of All-on-4 Implants

All-on-4® allows patients to enjoy a better quality of life and improve their self-esteem with a fixed dental prosthetic. Dentures can pose a psychological and social burden on people missing multiple teeth, affecting their food choices, appearance and speaking abilities. Modern, implant-supported restorations, such as All-on-4®, give these patients functional and aesthetically appealing teeth.

Removable dentures and bridges only replace the visible tooth structures, but All-on-4® establishes artificial tooth roots that strengthen and stabilize the jawbone to stop bone loss. Replacing missing teeth improves oral and overall health and encourages proper oral hygiene at home, reducing the risk of gum disease. All-on-4® restorations are easier to care for with daily brushing and flossing and regular visits to our dentists for cleanings.

Patients with tooth loss tend to look older than their chronological age because the lack of teeth gives their lower face an aged, hollow or gaunt appearance, and the missing structures can worsen wrinkles. All-on-4® can help patients look younger by restoring a complete set of teeth and supporting the facial tissues for a facial profile that makes them look 10 to 20 years younger.

All-on-4® produces predictable, successful results with a single dental surgery for permanent teeth replacements that may last a lifetime.

If you're interested in All-on-4®, contact Garcia | Mayoral Dentistry in Coral Gables, Florida. Call (305) 444-4300 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your consultation.

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